We had AmaSing race!! How creative is the name.. Hehe, headed out to the city again=)
Let's see, I almost got crushed by the MRT door.. *Gasps..*
Choon Siong, my GL helped to push the door. I think he's too skinny d, so I still got crushed abit.. Haha..
Aish, they talked about the Ghost House thingi.. I'm so sad.. And stup GL keep looking at me with that sneer on his face, reminding me that I didn't get to complete it..
So funny when he said he fell asleep while being a ghost coz he was too bored when noone was scared by the ghosts.. Then when someone arrives, they wake him up in time to scare the victim! Haha.. Maybe he just exaggerated.. Lol.
Anyway, ya, he's a funny guy and the best GL!
First was searching for puzzle pieces and putting them together. To obtain the missing pieces, we had to take pics with strangers walking around there. Haha.. Act, Ying Zhen and I had to say "I Love You" to a pair of father and daughter.. Not bad la, easy to do. =)
Then, we went to Clarke Quay (haha, it's suppose to be pronounced Clarke "Ki".. poor Huey Chien is stuck with that nickname for prouncing it wrongly..)
We had to do Mass Dance and chicken dance.
Then, the programmers had us singing "Titanic" (no, not that titanic song.. this one is very different with actions and stuff) to the boats passing by. Foreigners were entertained as they snapped photos of us.. Haha..
Then, as usual, we Heraians used our secret weapon (work each time) to "seduce" the programmers into upping our marks. Hehehe..
"Hera, Tei.."
"Hera, Tei, Tei.."
"Hera, Tei, Tei, Tei.."
"Muac muac, Kiss kiss, Muac Muac, Kiss.."
"Muac muac, Kiss kiss kiss, Muac Muac, Kiss.."
Wahahaha.. It's so much fun! Then, we were awarded more points=)
(Sorry if I left out some stations, or misplace them in order.. memory cha..)
We proceded to another station whereby we play Charade.
Jun Lum and I were the first pair to act.. Hillarious..
We had to act "Tiger met Tarzan and fought. Then, they became friends in the end"
It was so funny, I feel.. I was Tiger, he was Tarzan. As the next pair act, and so on, it changed into something else.. Haha..
Then, we have to act again and fuyoh, my OG guessed!
Then, as the next pair acted, it was about "Crazy person being caught by the mental hosp officer"
Haha, Huey Chien was funny acting as the crazy fela.. This one was ok, everyone acted well.
Next, was ghost crawling outa the comp screen when another person was playing the comp. Everything was extremely fine till it reached Jia Yu.. Sweat" He totally ruined it.. Haha.. We stuck our tongue out to symbolise ghost, he didnt. So it looked more like 2 fela playing game.. Haha..
Then, the last one, I can't really remember.. Hehe.. This was a fun game..
And again, we used our secret weapon.. Ekekeke..
Then, there's this game whereby we have to move our feet or hands to certain colours of paperplates on the ground.. Choon Siong ended up doing Yoga pose! Haha, Francois says wan.. Lol, but it does look that way.. Ahaha..
Then, next is "Gong Chu Pao" wherby the guys have to carry the girls (not piggyback). However, the three tallest and maybe strongest boys were away, not present. So, left 5 small sized boys with 5 big sized girls.. Lol.. So, our group only had to do 2 pairs. Haha..
One of them tried to carry me, but of course fail la!! Hahaha..
Then another game is crap le, I did before wan but cant remember. The stup boat with 1mother,1father, 2daughters, 2sons, 1uncle and 1dog.. Then, as forfeit, have to eat bread filled with wasabi.
I don't think anyone noticed but I actually gulped 3/4 of it in one mouth.. I opened my mouth as I ate and tried as much as possible to avoid contact with my tongue. So, it was actually ok, nothing. I didn't even have to drink water after that. Cool eh?? hehe..
Oh ya, we had this "Chess" game ( i duno how it works). I was only the pawn, moving when told. Haha.. Then, as forfeit (hehe, ya, forfeit again), we had to perform chicken dance in front of a couple (ah moh). Haha, they took pictures of us. They looked like they enjoyed it but after that, we didnt see them. Mayb sudah lari! Haha..
And we also had this game where we had to draw 5 things by pulling strings tied to a brush. Lotsa teamwork needed. Haha, our twin tower looks more like chopsticks! Lol!
Then, we had to caterpillar walk, where we glue our heads on the person in front us' back, bending down..
Last stop was to play a game where we had to come up with 6 moves. Cannot la, very hard coz everyone had to go on diff pace. So, as forfeit ("we love forfeit!!"), we had to perform chicken dance with one person. So, we got a kid to dance with us, haha.. And took photo too..
Then, of coz not forgetting our secret weapon!! Alright, we used it for each stop.. Haha..
But this was funny coz one of the 3 programmers picked up his call in the middle of it and couldnt speak properly, then he hung up just in time for "Muac muac, Kiss kiss" and he gave a very surprised, funny laugh. Haha!
Btw, did I say, all Heraians surrounded the programmers with them right in the center. Ya, it can be traumatising.. Hahaha..
At one stop, one of the programmers said "Pei cin to pei yan fei lai" (Give money(points) to let ppl "molest") Haha..
Then, we had auction for MSA's Nest Top Model which is the next day. Auction for accesories for our models.. Haha.. Auction with the point we obtained in the AmaSing race..
We didn't have much, just average. So, Choon Siong dunno whether to bid anot.
And act, the accesories are either funny or stup.. Haha..
But, still, we need to have one=)
In the end, we got chain. Haha..
(Skip one event)
We practised our dance once more. Then, balik tidor..
Then, balik NTU.