Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Last night.. or should I say early this morning..
Before 2am, I decided to go to bed, but...
I 'tangan gatal'.. Took my hp n play..
Tried to set pin number to my sim card..
Ended up..
Locking it!!
What am I suppose to do??
Oh, no.. Die, die, die, die.."

Those were the words running through my mind immediately..

I can't excess it at all..
Need to key in a stup code called PUK number..
which can only be found through the operator..
At 2am?? Heck..

I was reluctant to tell my mum to bring me to the maxis centre to settle it..
And it was way too long.. I can't sleep as long as this problem is not resolved!
"Think, think, think.."

Got up, flicked the lights on, switched on my laptop and started searching for solutions..
Hotline number.. - 24 hours!
Hang on.. I ain't have my hp to make d call..
If only my two other numbers are still 'alive'..
House phone - no longer have the one outside my room..
Downstairs house phone? Nope, dad still awake..
Mum's hp! Sneaked down and tip toed to her hp n made the call in my room..
Yaya, I know, you must be thinking "What's the big deal?" - Why the heck can't I tell my parents..
Pride! I mean, seriously it sounds so stupid to lock your OWN sim card..
And I don't wana trouble them to go all the way to Maxis Centre..

Okie, back to the calling part. 1 300 820 120..
Told the guy my problem and he ask for my hp number..
Gave him..
Asked for my full name..
Gave him as well..
"Okay, Miss Erin, actually there's no problem for me to provide you the PUK number."
Okay.. Just give me then!
"But our system is currently down."
"I can only give you the PUK after 4am."

Slept back and set 6am alarm - I wana get it done so it won't bother me, I tak tenteram le..
Hp is rather important you see.. It's the same for everyone, isn't it..!!??
So, I woke up unstably at 6.30am, I think.. Ya, half an hour after my alarm - snoozed it as usual, but without me realising..
At least I woke up! Of course, I had to get this done..
Drank some water and tried my voice to hear if I sound okay..
Whenever I just wake up, my voice gives me away.. It's like I'm telling you "I just woke up.."
Okay, called again. A girl answered..
She asked more questions such as IC no., address..
Then, at last..
She gave me the damn PUK number!
Finally unblocked my sim card and changed my pin number, while she's still on the line.. In case, this crap thing creates another problem for me.

I couldn't really sleep after that..
So, when I woke up at 11.30am - mum woke me up - I felt terrible..
Of course she didn't know.. And she woke me up coz I was suppose to go out at 12.30pm.. Thank god, plans cancelled..

I lay on the floor the whole afternoon, watching tv while trying to feel better..
It was a long long time since I last sleep, wake up and slept back..
Unlike last time when I always woke up in the middle of the night to watch Champions League and went to school after that..
How did I do that?? Entah la..
After having fried eggs with potato and onion at around 5pm, haha!
I was rejuvenated! Ish.. Should have cooked that earlier!
What a day.. I swear I won't simply press on anything anymore!

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